Friday, January 7, 2011

Day One -

Just a baby blog here. I 'm in to photography, polymer clay, art jewelry, painting, sketching, journalling, affirmations and mail art. I love all these things but I am blocked right now. My intent is to use this blog as an impetus to a more creative life. I'll be sharing my efforts here.


  1. Excellent, great place to start!! Sending you lots of free thinking and inspiration. Thanks for entering my contest!! Riki

  2. Welcome to IUOMA! Sending a piece of mail art your way!
    Paula Smith

  3. Thanks Riki and Paula! Looking forward to lots of fun mail art!

  4. sending light and love your way, susan! you are creative. without trying. you just need to start. starting is the hardest part. that is why charlotte always ssay says "show me your work"...cause it is work. it is hard to start. but once you start it flows from you like a mountain glazier melting in a river.

  5. Thanks, my friend! Yes, starting is a major hurdle. I'm having ideas, writing them down. Those ideas that lope across my minds savanna, I'm now jotting them down in a book so I can refer back to them. Some have haunted me for years.

  6. thanks for coming buy my blog, look forward to seeing more here!!!

  7. Well, you are off to a great start with a layout that I tried, but failed to achieve! :-) Now, you tell us what you are doing and what you are creating, how us photos of your pets...and that's all there is to it!LOL

  8. Sorry not to find you in action here, but maybe you're too busy creating to blog - I hope so! I just popped over to say thank you so much for your lovely words on my PaperArtsy creations earlier this month - so much appreciated. Sorry it's taken me so long to catch up!
    Alison x

  9. Thanks, butterfly. I'm hoping to make some earrings this weekend. I'll post here. Thanks for reminding me that I had started this blog oh so long ago!
